Masnoon Duas

Masnoon Duas (prayers)

Masnoon Duas (prayers): although one should pray to ALLAH almighty at all time for all one’s needs. our eternally blessed Prophet has taught us some specific prayers for special occasions at different times of night and day,e.g Masnoon Duas (prayers) upon waking up, when going to bed and after getting up from sleep, before meals and after eating meals, when performing ablution, upon entering and coming out of the mosque , upon entering the house,and going out of it, when going to the toilet and coming out of it, when dressing, when looking in the mirror.

The Importance & Significance of Masnoon Duas (Prayers)

These prayers (Masnoon Duas) extremely useful and inclusive of all our worldly and non-worldly needs. we, by ourselves, can never think of such prayers which the eternally blessed Prophet has taught us. These prayers are not time-consuming, neither is ablution their precondition nor is one to raise his hands. If one commits them to memory, one reaps a very rich harvest both here and in the Hereafter.
Hence every Muslim must commit these prayers to memory and ask your children to memorize them too. These shall earn great merit for you.

The Prophet ﷺ has said: ” Dua is the essence of all acts of worship. {Tirmidhi}

This Hadith [prophetic saying] clearly signifies the importance and virtue of Dua to the extent that it has been stated to be the essence of all acts of worship even Salah. The reason for this is that for example, Salah which is the one greatest obligations of a Muslim is, in reality, a Dua we are asking from Allah and in which we are directly speaking to Him. Thus just the way Salah is an extremely emphasized part of Islam, in this same manner Dua which is the essence of Salah is just as important. So one must strive to bring these Duas into one’s life and be habitual with reciting these Masnoon Duas. In this way, every single action of one’s life even the very insignificant ones will be considered as worship and a means of attaining the pleasure and reward of Almighty Allah. In conclusion, if a person is steadfast on these Duas Allah will surely guide and he will be under the protection at all times due to him constantly seeking the help of Allah in all his daily actions. May Allah give us all the ability to learn and practice upon his Deen.

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